A division of EVCS India

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Compas Services

ComPAS Now is a breakthrough 100% online job profiling and competency assessment software suite  on the threshold of revolutionizing human resource management world-wide, developed using NLP and other latest psychological  tools.

CompasNow provides Job fit analysis, skill assessment, career guidance etc that can be used for corporate, Recruiters, institutions and individuals. Compas will assess the natural inclination, strengths, areas they need to improve and overall competencies, and show them the best options for further studies, jobs and future career.

ComPAS Now™  can help the students avoid ending up in the wrong courses or jobs and guide them to make appropriate choices depending on their capabilities and skills as needed by the corporate.

ComPAS Now™  online Career Counseling Test will assess their natural inclination, their strengths, the areas they need to improve and their overall competencies, and show them the best options for further studies and future career.

How ComPAS Works

"The Team ComPAS Now" is comprised of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Practitioners, Psychotherapists, Behavioral psychologists and IT Professionals. The People behind the team have years of expertise in the relevant area, and have put in years of research which made these online services possible.

ComPAS will measure the unconsciously repeated patterns in candidates using NLP and  identify the repeated  patterns in people and group them into skills, characteristics and attitudes  (competencies) that are required to do a particular job effectively.

·         Students take online test

·         Top 10 jobs are analyzed based on the Branch

·         200+ Competencies Mapped

·         Specialization  Selection

·         Training Need Analysis

·         Top Competencies

·         VAK Analysis
·         Management Reports


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